Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Our Mind's Backdoor

Ever wonder why you response in a certain way or why you don’t response like you should. Answer for the problem is not always straightforward but sometime hidden, you need to find all the pieces and make a map. In your mind, I kept remembering bit and pieces of my past flashes by, memories came randomly depends what triggered it. I need to put them in order or even get my side of the story out. I hate these slanders and makeup stories to justified their existence or manipulate others. But people are not what they seem, nor they want others to see them in a bad light. They always slander to hide the person they really are, these emotional vampires. Life is not what you make it out to be. They come in and out of a person life and make demand like you owe them. There are always people in our life that manipulate our life. The closer they are the tighter the string they have over us as their puppet. They manipulate us for their selfish reason. Somewhere in our past is a conditioning in subconscious memory that we don’t remember. It is a conditioning that we wish that is gone. The parent, siblings or even the close friends they work close together. I say close friends because we are drawn to personalities that we are familiar with, like our dysfunctional family, it’s what we call imprint. This is a control issue. Like most controller (the emotional vampire) they had left backdoor in our mind to get into us. It is like they say about Window programming there are backdoor for system technician to get in or to monitor our action. Most of us are being controlled without knowing it. We had always had carrots hanging front, that we forgot what is important to us or even forget to protect ourselves, by looking at what is the long-term damages to our future. We have had many carrots hanging in front of us in the past. We have to close those back doors; we do have control in our life. We just have to recognize it, that we do have control in our life. We all have our limits and then we have to learn to forgive ourselves for our immaturity and our limitation of our sight and rebuild we should be and be proud of what we are.

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My Portfolio

I have been doing graphic for a long time. I had always done traditional media arts and crafts beside digital art. I was hoping that my portfolio would reflect it. I am also very technical with engineering education and training. I had gone from the drafting board to digital in the 70’s. I can do 3d modeling as well as printed circuit board layout besides painting in oil or watercolor. I have a passion for both trying to keep on learning and be creative. This is my main portfolio, but I am working on another version too.. This one is call "The Illustrator". I am working on another called the "Muse".


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